Scholarship Search

Use the options below to determine your search criteria. Please note that you can search three different ways.

  • Category Search - Scholarships are assigned categories by your schools. This option allows you to identify and search the categories that you feel are most relevant to you.
  • Keyword(s) Search - Your school may assign a keyword to a scholarship. This option allows you to search that keyword field.
  • Description and Name Search - You can simply search the description or name of scholarships to see if they contain words that you might deem suitable (e.g. Biology).

Scholarships (165)

EC 25 for 25 Scholarship

Full-Time, GED, Financial Need, GPA, East Campus, Henry County, Stark County
207372, 207513, 207575, 207580, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Awarded to a full-time student who has completed an approved GED program in Henry or Stark Counties. Pays toward tuition only. Must maintain a "C" average and show financial need

EC ABCA Ag Business/Production Scholarship

EC ABCA Ag Transfer

EC ABCA Equine Scholarship

EC ABCA Future Alumnus Award

The Future Alumnus Award had been established to award a student a $1,000 scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to a sophomore that is actively involved with the Agri-Business Club. 
  • Applicant must be an active member of Agri-Business Club
  • Must have 3.0 GPA or above
  • Preference will be given to individuals who are involved in extracurricular/team activities
  • Must attach a 500-word essay title “Why Black Hawk” telling us why you chose to come to Black Hawk East.
  • Must attach a resume

EC ABCA Skilled Trades Scholarship

EC ABCA Vet Tech Scholarship

EC Agri-Business Club Alumni Freshman Spirit Award

East Campus, Agri-Business Club Alumni, ABCA, Agriculture, Full-Time, Freshman, GPA, Agri-Business Club
207372, 207604, 207651
Established by the Agri-Business Club Alumni (ABCA) and awarded as the BHE Freshman Spirit Scholarship at the annual Agri-Business Club Alumni Banquet.  Awarded to full-time freshman enrolled at East Campus.  Applicant must be nominated by member of the Ag faculty. Essay required - topic selected annually (maximum of 500 words). Recipient selected by ABCA.

EC Agri-Business Club Alumni Incoming Freshman Scholarship

This ABCA scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman. 

EC Agri-Business Club Alumni Legacy Scholarship

The ABCA Legacy Scholarship will be given to an incoming freshman who is a legacy to the East Campus.

EC Agricultural Fund Scholarship

Full-Time, GPA, Financial Need, Agriculture, Ag, Agriculture Majors, East Campus
207372, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207387, 207401, 207429, 207442, 207443, 207490, 207491, 207504, 207513, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Awarded to a full-time student majoring in an agriculture program. Student must show financial need and have a cumulative GPA of "C" or higher.

EC Anderson Memorial Scholarship

Sophomore, Equestrian Science, Equine
207372, 207429, 207442, 207443
Awarded to a second year equestrian science student recommended by faculty

EC Barbara J. Curran Golby Memorial Healthcare Scholarship

Nursing, CNA, Certified Nursing Assistant
207372, 207400, 207513
Scholarship for students pursuing a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Certificate or nursing degree. Preference will be given to applicants who are from Neponset, are single parents and/or demonstrate financial need

EC Bea Haines Endowed Scholarship

Full-Time, Black Hawk District, Financial Need, GPA
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207582, 207583, 207584, 207585, 207586, 207587, 207588, 207589, 207590, 207591, 207592, 207593, 207594, 207595, 207596, 207597, 207598, 207599, 207600, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in honor of Beatrice Haines. Scholarship to be awarded to a full-time student who graduated from high school in the Black Hawk College district. The student must show financial need and be in good academic standing.

EC Bill & Betty Hyer Memorial Scholarship

Full-Time, Wethersfield High School, Stark County High School, Crop Farming, GPA
207372, 207379, 207382, 207385, 207597, 207600, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Awarded to a full-time student from Wethersfield High School or Stark County High School majoring in crop farming. Must have a "C+" or higher GPA. Pays towards tuition, fees, books and living expenses.

EC Black Hawk College Endowed Equine Scholarship

East Campus
207372, 207429, 207442, 207443, 207614, 207615
  1. Recipient determined by Horse Show Team Head Coach with consensus of the Equine Faculty.
  2. Student must show demonstrated commitment to the Equine Program in any one of three areas; Equestrian, Horse Judging, Academic Performance.
  3. Priority given to Horse Show Team recruiting.

EC Black Hawk East Foundation Scholarship

East Campus

Established by the Black Hawk College East Foundation.  Awarded annually to a full-time student of good academic standing.  Must show financial need.

EC Brick Lundberg Scholarship

East Campus, GPA, Financial Need, Full-Time
207372, 207513, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in memory of Brick Lundberg. Preference is given to full-time students of good academic standing. Must demonstrate financial need. Renewable by reapplication if student maintains full-time status and a 2.0 GPA

EC CHS Foundation Scholarship (Freshman)

East Campus, Agriculture, Crop Production, Agriculture-Cooperatives, Animal Science, Ag Business, Ag Economics, Ag Transfer
207372, 207604, 207609, 207610, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207387, 207393, 207395, 207401, 207504
The CHS Foundation Scholarships provide financial assistance to undergraduate students at select universities in the United States ("University Partners") who are pursuing agriculture-related degrees. Students pursuing an ag-related STEM (science, technology, engineering) field of student with an interest in agriculture, cooperative or rual America should also be considered.  The program encourages students to pursue careers in production agriculture, agriculture business or related ag-related STEM fields.

​Four $1,000 scholarships will be available to incoming freshman students and four $1,000 scholarships will be available to sophomore students (in their second year of study following the semester of application). Recipients are eligible to receive the awards multiple times.  Financial need is not a requirement.  Recipients must be 1) U.S. Citizens; 2) permanent residents of the U.S.; of 3) in the U.S. lawfully on a non-temporary basis.  

EC CHS Foundation Scholarship (Sophomore)

East Campus, Agriculture, Crop Production, Agriculture-Cooperatives, Animal Science, Ag Business, Ag Economics, Ag Transfer
207372, 207604, 207609, 207610, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207387, 207393, 207395, 207401, 207504
The CHS Foundation Scholarships provide financial assistance to undergraduate students at select universities in the United States ("University Partners") who are pursuing agriculture-related degrees. Students pursuing an ag-related STEM (science, technology, engineering) field of student with an interest in agriculture, cooperative or rual America should also be considered.  The program encourages students to pursue careers in production agriculture, agriculture business or related ag-related STEM fields.

​Four $1,000 scholarships will be available to incoming freshman students and four $1,000 scholarships will be available to sophomore students (in their second year of study following the semester of application). Recipients are eligible to receive the awards multiple times.  Financial need is not a requirement.  Recipients must be 1) U.S. Citizens; 2) permanent residents of the U.S.; of 3) in the U.S. lawfully on a non-temporary basis.  

EC Cory Lowderman Memorial Scholarship

207372, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207387, 207401, 207490, 207491, 207504, 207514, 207604, 207613
Awarded annually in memory of Cory Lowderman (2000) to an agriculture student who has completed one year of competition on the Feshman Livestock Judging Team and has accumulated the highest combined points throughout all competitions that year.   Awarded by Faculty/staff selection only. 

EC Dale and Helen Swanson Scholarship

Full-Time, Transfer, GPA, Financial Need, Business Administration, Business
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established by Dale and Helen Swanson. Pays toward tuition, fees and books. Awarded to full-time students intending to transfer to a four-year college. Must have a "C+" or higher GPA and show financial need. Preference given to business administration majors.

EC Dan Hoge Livestock Judging Scholarship

Livestock Judging, Ag, Agriculture

*First award in 2017-18 academic year.  Awarded by faculty/Staff selection only. 

EC Darlene Collinson Endowed Scholarship

Darlene Collinson, Full-Time, In-District, BHC District, East Campus, Financial Need, GPA
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207582, 207583, 207584, 207585, 207586, 207587, 207588, 207589, 207590, 207591, 207592, 207593, 207594, 207595, 207596, 207597, 207598, 207599, 207600, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Scholarship established in memory of Darlene Collinson. Scholarship to be awarded to a full-time student who graduated from a high school in the Black Hawk College district. The student must show financial need and be in good academic standing.

EC Dave Lapan Memorial Scholarship

207372, 207380, 207397, 207398, 207509, 207510
Awarded in memory of Dave Lapan.  Formerly awarded to athletes on the East Campus.  Changed in 2016-17 to welding and/or auto mechanics students after the EC athletic teams were consolidated with the QC Campus teams as per Lapan Family request. 

Recipient must have a minimum GPA of 2.0.  Must be a graduate from a high school on the East side of the Black Hawk College district. 

EC David Bradbury Scholarship

East Campus, English, Journalism, Communications, Financial Need, GPA, BHC District, In-District
207372, 207427, 207428, 207452, 207513, 207604, 207609, 207610
Awarded to a full-time transfer student with preference given to an English, journalism or communication major. Must be a graduate of a high school within the Black Hawk College district with a "B" or higher GPA. Must show financial need.

EC Dean L. Bates Scholarship

Agronomy, Horticulture, Biology, Botany, Descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Fremont and Clara Bates, Crop Production, Ag Transfer, Agriculture, Ag, Agriculture Majors, East Campus
207372, 207379, 207381, 207382, 207385, 207402
Award preference given to direct descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Fremont & Clara Bates. Preference also given to student majoring in agronomy, horticulture or biology (botany). Pays toward tuition, fees and books. Available to student receiving no other scholarships.

EC Dean W. Stoner Scholarship

Full-Time, Dean Stoner, Cystic Fibrosis, GPA, East Campus, Kewanee High School, Financial need
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207589, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in memory of Dean W. Stoner. Award is given to full-time students of good academic standing from Kewanee High School. Must show financial need. Preference given to a student with cystic fibrosis.

EC Debbie Kitterman Memorial Scholarship

Galva High School, Financial Need, East Campus
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207587
Established in memory of Debbie Kitterman. Given annually to a graduate of Galva High School. Preference given to students with financial need who are not receiving any grants.

EC Demmler Business/Technology Scholarship

Henry County, Stark County, Automotive, Technology, Office Careers, Computer Technology
207372, 207384, 207398, 207407, 207575, 207580, 207584, 207585, 207587, 207588, 207589, 207591
Awarded to students who attended high school in and who are current residents of Henry or Stark counties. Must be enrolled in automotive technology, office careers technology or computer technology program. Pays toward tuition, fees and books.

EC Dr. Gene Gardner IMPACT Scholarship

GPA, East Campus, Welding, Skilled Trades
207372, 207384, 207386, 207403, 207423, 207434, 207496, 207509, 207608, 207609, 207610
Awarded to a welding or skilled trades student with a preferred 2.5 grade point average.

EC Eleanor Washburn Scholarship

Faculty selection. Awarded to a student excelling in nursing classes.

EC Elmer Brose Scholarship

Full-Time, Ag Mechanics, Auto Mechanics, Agriculture, Ag, Agriculture Majors, East Campus, GPA
207372, 207380, 207384, 207397, 207398, 207510, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Awarded to a full-time student in good academic standing. Preference given to student majoring in the auto mechanics program or the ag mechanics program.

EC Elmer Hoge Memorial Scholarship

Selected by faculty

EC Erickson Family Endowment Scholarship

Full-Time, GPA, Nursing Major
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in honor of Carl O. Erickson. Pays toward tuition, fees and books. Award given annually to a full-time student with a "C+" or higher GPA. Preference given to a nursing major.

EC George & Mary Lee Wilsey Endowed Skilled Trades Scholarship

Full-Time, Wethersfield High School, Galva High School, Skilled Trades, East Campus, Financial Need, Burns Township
207372, 207386, 207434, 207496, 207509, 207587, 207600, 207604
Awarded to two students annually; graduating from either Wethersfield High School, Galva High School. or Kewanee High School. Students must be enrolled full-time in a skilled trade program at Black Hawk College East Campus. Preference given to students residing in Burns Township. *First scholarship to be awarded in 2017-18 academic year

EC Giertz Brothers Scholarship

Selected by faculty

EC Goldenrod Solar Scholarship

207578, 207604, 207605, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610, 207379, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207410, 207411, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207425, 207426
Awarded to students who reside in Mercer County with preference for STEM or agricultural courses of study. Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA. Academic performance and financial need are considerations. 

EC GROWMARK Scholarship

207372, 207379, 207380, 207513, 207608
Scholarship will be awarded to one student pursuing an Associate degree or technical certification in agribusiness, agronomy, ag systems, ag communications, crop and soil science or ag diesel power. The student is not planning to transfer to continue their education. A minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale is required.

EC Harriet McCarthy Scholarship

Full-Time, East Campus, GPA, Harriet McCarthy
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established by the Harriet McCarthy Estate. Based on merit. Given to any student not already receiving a BHC Academic Achievement Award. Must be a full-time student who graduated from a high school within the Black Hawk College district. Must have a GPA of "C+" or above.

EC Henry County Association of Independent Insurance Agents Scholarship

Henry County, Business, Office Careers, Technology, GPA, Financial Need
207372, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207430, 207446, 207471, 207497, 207575, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Must be a resident of Henry County. Must major in business or office careers technology. Must be in good academic standing and show financial need.

EC Holmquist Scholarship

Selected by faculty/for RA's at Prairie Pointe Apartments

EC Jeff Owens Memorial Scholarship

Full-Time, East Campus, Transfer, GPA, Kewanee High School, Wethersfield High School
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207589, 207600, 207604, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in memory of Jeff Owens. Given annually to a full-time East Campus student who will continue his/her education at a four-year institution. Must have an excellent academic record. Must be a graduate of Kewanee or Wethersfield high schools.

EC Joan Eastlund Scholarship

Part-Time, Full-Time, Financial Need, GPA, General

Established by Joan Eastlund, Professor Emeritus of Political Science.

1. Full and part-time East Campus students eligible.
2. Student must have a minimum 2.0 GPA
3. Preference given to students with financial need

First award 2019-2020.

EC John L. Haines, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Full-Time, East Campus, Galva High School, GPA, Financial Need
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207587, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in memory of John L. Haines, Jr. Awarded to a full-time East Campus student. Must be a graduate of Galva High School in good academic standing. Must show financial need.

EC Ken Maguire Liberal Arts & Sciences Scholarship

Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, Financial Need, Transfer Student, Full-Time, East Campus

Liberal Arts and Sciences Scholarship created for Professor Emeritus Ken Maguire, 2016 Wall of Fame inductee.

Awarded to a full-time Liberal Arts & Sciences transfer student attending the East Campus.  Must have financial need.  Preference given to students majoring in the social sciences (i.e. sociology, anthropolgy, histrory, etc.).  

EC Kewanee Area Business Women's Scholarship

Full-Time, Female, non-traditional, Kewanee
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207516, 207585, 207587, 207589, 207591, 207600, 207604
Awarded to a full-time returning female student age 25 or older. Preference given to a high school graduate from the Kewanee area.

EC Kewanee Kiwanis Club Scholarship

Kewanee High School, Wethersfield High School, Freshman, Transfer, Transfer Student, GPA, Financial Need, East Campus, Key Club
207372, 207589, 207600, 207607
Must be a graduate of Kewanee or Wethersfield high schools. Must be a freshman student planning to continue for a second year at the East Campus. Must be in good academic standing and show financial need. Preference is given to past Key Club members.

EC Kewanee Rotary Club Scholarship

Kewanee High School, Wethersfield High School, Freshman, East Campus, GPA, Financial Need
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207589, 207600, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Must be a graduate of Kewanee or Wethersfield high schools. Must be a freshman student planning to continue for a second year at the East Campus. Must be in good academic standing and show financial need.

EC Livestock Judging Scholarship

Coach recommendation

EC Lyle and Marie Blodgett Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a full-time transfer student with preference given to a major in biology, botnay, horticulture, science education, any medical field, and Veterinary Techology and Pre-Veterinary. The scholarship is intended to go toward tuition, fees and books. Preference given to a student with a 3.0 GPA or higher.

EC Mehaffey Memorial Scholarship

Full-Time, Health Major, Nursing Major, Physician Assistant, Medical Assisting, Medical Billing, Medical
207372, 207392, 207400, 207424, 207439, 207440, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207480, 207483, 207484, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207493, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Awarded to a full-time student enrolled in a health-related major who demonstrates financial need. Must have a "C" or above cumulative GPA

EC Mid-Continent Scholarship

Selected by faculty/awarded at the Ag Recognition Reception

EC Mike Cosgray Memorial Scholarship

Established by his loving family, the Mike Cosgray Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to an Indiana high school student studying agronomy, animal science or horticulture. The recipient should have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA with financial need.

EC Murchison Heritage Scholarship

Agriculture, Ag, Purdue University, Full-Time, Financial Need, GPA, Transfer Student, Agriculture Economics, Agronomy, Food Science, Entomology, Botany and Plant Pathology, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Horticulture, Animal Science, East Campus, Murchison, Purdue

Established to honor the Murchison Family Homestead (1852-1947) on which the BHC East Campus is built. Benefits Black Hawk College East Campus students transferring to Purdue University who will be enrolled in the College of Agriculture in a production oriented major such as Agriculture Economics; Agronomy; Food Science: Entomology; Botany and Plant Pathology; Agricultural and Biological Engineering; Horticulture; and Animal Science (excluding equine studies). Students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA or must show financial need. Scholarship will be applied towards tuition and fees in the spring semester of the student's sophomore year, following acceptance to Purdue University.  This is a "bridge" scholarship.  Recipients of this scholarship will be eligible to receive a similar scholarship established at Purdue University for their junior and senior year of study, provided grades are maintained.


EC Nancy & Wayne Hier Scholarship

Agriculture, Henry County, Stark County, Farming, Agribusiness, East Campus, Farming, Agribusiness
207583, 207584, 207585, 207587, 207588, 207589, 207591, 207592, 207596, 207597, 207600, 207372, 207379, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207385, 207387, 207401, 207504, 207575, 207580
Awarded to students majoring in an agriculture field, who graduated from high school in Henry or Stark counties. The recipient must also currently reside in either county and plan to pursue a career in farming or agribusiness.

EC Nancy J. Erickson Memorial Scholarship

Awarded to a student showing financial need, is in good academic standing, is a full-time student, and is majoring in social work or education. 

EC Norma Denzer Scholarship

Selected by faculty and awarded at Ag recognition banquet. 

EC Otto Schwefel Scholarship

Full-Time, Financial Need, Kewanee High School, Wethersfield High School, East Campus
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207589, 207600, 207604
Established by Otto Schwefel for deserving students with financial need. Awarded to full-time students who are graduates of Kewanee or Wethersfield high schools.

EC Outstanding Agricultural Graduate

Selected by faculty/awarded at the Ag Recognition Reception

EC Peoples National Bank Endowed Equine Scholarship

Full-Time, East Campus, Horse Show Team, Horse Judging Team, GPA,
207372, 207429, 207442, 207443, 207604, 207608, 207609, 207610, 207614, 207615
  1. Must be a full-time student at East Campus.
  2. Must be a member of the Horse Show Team or Horse Judging Team, but preference given to a member of both.
  3. Must have a "B" or high average
  4. Will be awarded strictly on merit-financial need will not be a consideration.
  5. Recipient must have leadership ability, record of accomplishment and evidence of fulfilling his or her potential.
Shall be applied to tuition, books and fees.

Awardee selected by faculty

EC Peoples National Bank Scholarship

Business, GPA, Kewanee High School, Wethersfield High School, Financial Need, East Campus
207372, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207446, 207471, 207497, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established by Peoples National Bank. Awarded annually to a business major with a "B" or higher GPA. Preference given to Kewanee or Wethersfield high school graduates with financial need.

EC Peterson-Martin Engineering Scholarship

GPA, East Campus, Financial Need, Neponset
207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207712, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610, 207372
Established by the Martin Engineering Company. Awarded annually to students in good academic standing who demonstrate financial need and participated on the "Martin Motion" robotics team, sponsored by Martin Engineering.. 


EC Piper Scholarship

GPA, East Campus
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Student must be a full-time and in good standing

EC Robert H. & Bernice Eastman Memorial Scholarship

Full-Time, Transfer Student, GPA
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207604, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in memory of Robert & Bernice Eastman. Given annually to full-time students of excellent academic standing in a transfer program.

EC Robin Moreland Memorial Equine Scholarship

207429, 207442, 207443, 207372
Given to an outstanding student selected by the faculty


  1. ​Recipient determined by Horse Show Team Head Coach with consensus of the Equine faculty.
  2. Student must show demonstrated commitment to the Equine Program in any one of the three areas: Equestrian, Horse Judging, Academic
  3. Priority given to Horse Show Team recruiting.

EC Ron & Teresa Brown Memorial Scholarship

Full-Time, GPA, Financial Need, Neponset, Lafayette, ROWVA, East Campus, activities, clubs, extra-curricular
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207711, 207712, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610, 240169
Established in memory of Ron and Theresa Brown. Given annually to a full-time student who has demonstrated academic ability, financial need and involvement in extracurricular activities. Preference given to one female student from Kewanee and one male student from the Lafayette/ROWVA area.

EC Rosemary E. Ward Scholarship

Faculty selection awarded at the Ag Recognition reception

EC Roy L. Erickson Memorial Scholarship

The Roy L. Erickson Memorial Scholarship fund will be awarded to a full-time student who shows financial need, is in good academic standing and is majoring in Agriculture. 

EC Smith Scholarship

Full-Time, East Campus, Financial need, GPA, Art Major, Liberal Arts Major
207372, 207389, 207390, 207393, 207394, 207427, 207428, 207433, 207438, 207441, 207452, 207459, 207464, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207479, 207481, 207493, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207506, 207512, 207604, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Awarded to full-time students who demonstrate financial need. Student must have a cumulative GPA of "C" or better with preference given to an art major or liberal arts major.

EC Susan Shipp Memorial Scholarship

Faculty Selection

EC Theodore and Penny Vlahos Scholarship

Kewanee High School, Wethersfield High School, Henry County, GPA
207372, 207373, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207377, 207378, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207386, 207387, 207388, 207389, 207390, 207391, 207392, 207393, 207394, 207395, 207396, 207397, 207398, 207399, 207400, 207401, 207402, 207403, 207404, 207405, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207409, 207410, 207411, 207412, 207413, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207419, 207420, 207421, 207422, 207423, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207427, 207428, 207429, 207430, 207431, 207432, 207433, 207434, 207435, 207436, 207437, 207438, 207439, 207440, 207441, 207442, 207443, 207444, 207445, 207446, 207447, 207448, 207449, 207450, 207451, 207452, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207456, 207457, 207458, 207459, 207460, 207461, 207462, 207463, 207464, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207479, 207480, 207481, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207492, 207493, 207494, 207495, 207496, 207497, 207498, 207499, 207500, 207501, 207502, 207503, 207504, 207505, 207506, 207507, 207508, 207509, 207510, 207511, 207512, 207575, 207589, 207600, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established by Theodore and Penny Vlahos. Awarded to students who attended Kewanee or Wethersfield high schools and whose primary permanent residence is in Henry County. Must be enrolled in a two-year degree program and  maintain a "C+" or higher GPA. Pays toward tuition only.

EC Todd DeMay Memorial Award

Faculty selection

EC Verden Broers Award

Faculty selection

EC Verlin & Joan Jackson Endowed Equine Scholarship

Faculty Selection from top 2-3 candidates meeting the following criterion:
Must be a full-time student at the East Campus
Must be a returning sophomore
Must be a member of the BHC Equine Show Team AND Horse Judging Team
Must maintain a "B" or above GPA
Must show financial need


EC Verlin & Joan Jackson Livestock Judging Scholarship

Faculty Selection

EC Walter H. Schreck Scholarship

Full-Time, Henry County, East Campus, Nursing, Ag, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Auto Mechanics, Diesel Mechanic,
207372, 207379, 207380, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207504, 207510, 207575, 207604
Awarded to full-time students who are Henry County residents enrolled in nursing, agriculture, auto mechanics or diesel mechanics

EC West Central FS Scholarship

The West Central FS Scholarship shall support students seeking an agriculture degree or certificate who maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. Preference will be given to local students, demonstrating financial need, as well as to those who have completed or intend to do an internship at West Central, FS. 

Qualified students will be asked to submit a resume and go through an interview process. 

QC ABC All-Star Scholarship

Awarded to students with disabilities who have their cases filled with the Disability Office. Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA.

QC Alan D. Perley Memorial Scholarship

The Alan D. Perley Memorial Scholarship was established through the generosity of loved ones, friends, family and the BHC community in memory of alumnus Alan Perley. Alan was the son of Lucille and the late Roger Perley, both music faculty at Black Hawk College. The scholarship will be awarded to a full- or part-time student in the law enforcement/criminal justice program who maintains at least a C average. The recipient must live in district or in one of the approved contiguous counties of Iowa and have earned at least 14 college credits in the program. Recipient must demonstrate a history of volunteerism and giving back to the community.

QC Arthur B. Conelly Memorial Scholarship

Pre-Engineering, Technical Engineering, Real Estate, Building Trades.
207425, 207426, 207486, 207371
Established by Tri- County Home Builders Association, Inc. For any major but preference given to students majoring in pre-engineering, technical engineering, real estate or building trades.

QC Bahnks/Decker/M. Grotzinger Memorial Scholarship

Nursing, health, biology, female, full-time, 3.0 GPA, widow
207371, 207392, 207400, 207439, 207440, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207494, 207609, 207610, 207516, 207604
Established by:  Mr. and Mrs. William Bahnks in memory of their daughter Lisa, who was a 1977 graduate of Black Hawk College; Mr. and Mrs. Wendell C. Cree in memory of their daughter Patty, a graduate of the BHC nursing program; Family, friends, and faculty in memory of Martha Grotzinger who was a professor in the Biology Department at Black Hawk College.

Awarded to a full-time female transfer student with a 3.0 or higher GPA enrolled in nursing, biological science, or a heath-related field. Special preference given to widows with children.

QC Barbara D. Greim Ph.D. Scholarship for Foreign Language Students

207371, 207433, 207438, 207499, 207513, 207604, 207609, 207610
For full-time students majoring in Foreign Language Studies with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Preference given to those students with financial need if candidates are equally qualified.

QC Barbara E. Garst Memorial Scholarship

Moline High School
207371, 207514, 207590
Established by Dr. Josephine Garst and friends. Miss Garst was a professor of English at Black Hawk College. Awarded annually to students graduating from Moline High School.

QC Barbara McChurch Memorial Scholarship

207371, 207421, 207422
The Barbara McChurch Memorial Scholarship will be available to a full- or part-time student enrolled in a transfer program with an education major. Recipient must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

QC Ben & Carrie Smith Law Enforcement Scholarship

Ben and Carrie Smith created this scholarship in 2018 in honor of their many family members who have served, and are currently serving, in law enforcement.  Preference will be given to students enrolled in a law enforcement program with a 3.0 GPA or greater.

QC BHC Foundation Anonymous Scholarship

207607, 207608, 207609, 207610, 207371, 207513
This anonymous scholarship is awarded to a full time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA.  This scholarship supports a student with full-time tuition for two years.  Preference given to those students with financial need if candidates are equally qualified.

QC Black Hawk College Foundation Scholarship

Academic performance, Financial need, 2.0 GPA
207371, 207513, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established by the Black Hawk College Foundation. Academic performance and financial need are considerations.


QC Black Hawk College Leaders in Business Scholarship

The BHC Leaders in Business Scholarship was established through proceeds from the Leadercast series hosted on campus by BHC staff and faculty.  This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in business or will be a business transfer.  The student must earn a 2.5 GPA and complete at least 15 credit hours with business courses and submit an essay exhibiting leadership qualities through community service or volunteering in their application.                                                                                                                                           

QC Burton C. and Anna L. Foster Scholarship

Allied Health, EMS, Physical Therapy Assistant, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Therapy, Nursing Assistant
207371, 207391, 207424, 207440, 207480, 207494
Established by the late Burton (Black Hawk College Professor Emeritus) and Anna Foster in honor of their son, Clinton Foster.  Preference is given to students with disabilities in an Allied Health program.

QC Byron and Dorothy Beck Scholarship

For students with financial need. Can be used toward tuition, fees and books. 

QC Byron Carlson Scholarship

207371, 207559, 207592
Alumnus Byron L. Carlson established the Byron Carlson Scholarship to recognize the efforts of transfer students who complete their program of study at Black Hawk College within three years, with preference given to those intending to transfer to St. Ambrose University or Western Illinois University (Macomb or Quad Cities campus). Preference will be given to a graduate of Orion High School. GPA of 3.5 or greater.

QC Carol and Esther Kalin Scholarship

Established upon the death of Anna Mae K. Erickson to create opportunities for Black Hawk College students.

QC Cristina Greene Memorial Scholarship for International Students

International, ESL, English as a second language, Financial need
Created by Sharon Greene and Brian Greene in memory of their mother, Cris Greene, who changed the lives of many students at Black Hawk College.  Scholarships are limited to students in the international student program, with preference given to ESL students pursuing college-level courses. Students must demonstrate financial need and include a strong personal statement.

QC Cummings Family Memorial Scholarship

Financial need
207371, 207513, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established by the late Marilyn and Wayne Cummings. Scholarship is awarded to a career program major who has financial need and a minimum of 2.0 GPA.

QC Dell Family Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a high school graduate studying early childhood or elementary education.  The candidate must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and demonstrate financial need.  Preference is given to United Township High School students.  

QC Diana Corley Schnapp Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Diana Corley Schnapp taught speech at Black Hawk College for 22 years and touched the lives of hundreds of students. She created this scholarship for students of any course of study with a minimum 2.5 GPA and financial need. 

QC Doris E. Braner Memorial Scholarship

financial need, books
207371, 207513, 207516
Established by the Braner family in honor of their mother, Doris, who worked in the College Bookstore for 11 years. Consideration given to widowed or divorced homemakers who demonstrate financial need. Scholarships for books only.

QC Douglas L. Mitton Memorial Law Enforcement Scholarship

207371, 207453, 207454, 207455, 207514, 207517
Established by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Mitton in memory of their son. Preference given to a law enforcement student.

QC Dr. Barbara Shellhouse, Wayne & Son Scott Shellhouse Memorial Scholarship

207371, 207471, 207472, 207473
Established in memory of Dr. Barbara Shellhouse who taught in the Music Department of Black Hawk College for 30 years. Scholarships are awarded to students majoring in music, preferably vocal music. Recipients selected by the Music Department faculty.

QC Dr. Norbert Barwasser Memorial Scholarship

Academic, 2.5 GPA
207371, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in 1985 to serve Black Hawk College students with academic promise.

QC E.S. (Bert) Metcalf Memorial Scholarship

Part-time, Books
207371, 207605
Established by relatives and friends for the former Rock Island County Superintendent of Schools and supporter of Black Hawk College. Preference given to a sophomore or older part-time student. Scholarship is for books only.

QC Earl H. Beling Memorial Scholarship

Academic performance, financial need, 2.0 GPA, foreign language, Spanish, German, French
207371, 207433, 207438, 207499, 207513, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established by the late, Mrs. Earl H. Beling in memory of her husband. Mr. Beling is recognized as one of the founders of the community college which is now Black Hawk College. Awarded annually with preference to students studying a foreign language. Academic performance and financial need are considerations.

QC Elaine K. Saffield Memorial Scholarship

207371, 207513, 207517, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in memory of Elaine K. Saffield. Awarded annually to students demonstrating academic progress and financial need.

QC Erwin Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Engineering, 3.0 GPA, credit hours
207371, 207425, 207426, 207609, 207610
Created in memory of Mr. Johnson who served as a professor and chair of the engineering-related technology department at Black Hawk College. Awarded to students demonstrating interest in Engineering who have completed at least 30 credit hours with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

QC Gertrude West Memorial Scholarship

207371, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in memory of Ms. West who taught in the Black Hawk College Speech Department. Students must show academic promise.

QC Glenda Nicke Scholarship

This scholarship was created by former Dean Glenda Nicke to support students interested in non-credit classes who are not eligible for financial aid.  Student recipients are referred by the Adult Education Department.

QC Goldenrod Solar Scholarship

207578, 207604, 207605, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610, 207379, 207381, 207382, 207383, 207384, 207385, 207410, 207411, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207425, 207426
Awarded to students who reside in Mercer County with preference for STEM or agricultural courses of study. Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA. Academic performance and financial need are considerations. 

QC Grant W. Brissman and Virginia M. Brissman Scholarship

207371, 207513, 207553, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in honor of the Brissman family.  Awarded to students in vocational and career-focused programs who are current residents within Milan city limits.

QC Hammond-Henry Hospital Auxiliary CNA Scholarship

The Hammond-Henry Hospital Auxiliary, in conjunction with Hammond-Henry Hospital Foundation, provides a partial scholarship for dual-credit Geneseo High School students enrolled in the Black Hawk College CNA program. Black Hawk College Foundation provides matching funds as well.

QC Hawk's Hub Textbook Scholarship

Books, 2.0 GPA, Financial need
207371, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA. Must show financial need, but not currently receiving financial aid. Will be awarded in the form of a Hawk's Hub gift certificate.

QC Henry County Independent Insurance Agents Association Scholarship

207371, 207513
Awarded to students in good academic standing. Must show financial need.

QC Hot Roddin' for Scholars Scholarship

Student must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Academic performance and financial need are considerations. 


QC James Cobin Class of 1976 Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to full-time nursing student that maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. Preference giving to those students with financial need and to be used toward tuition, fees and books.

QC Jason Blair Roberts Memorial Scholarship

207371, 207513, 207608, 207609, 207610, 207590, 207594, 207598
The Jason Blair Roberts Memorial Scholarship celebrates the life of a man who was tragically lost too early and serves as an inspiration for area students who wish to continue their education after high school. The scholarship is open to minority students of an Iowa high school with financial need, a minimum 2.5 GPA, community involvement, and participation in extracurricular activities. Preference given to Iowa Quad-Cities high school graduates.

QC Jeanne Tamisiea Memorial Scholarship

207371, 207389, 207390, 207394
Established in memory of Jeanne Tamisiea who taught many years in the Black Hawk College Art Department. Scholarships will support art majors. Recipients selected by the Art Department faculty. Selected award recipient should send a copy of their portfolio to the Foundation.  

QC Joan Eastlund Scholarship

Professor Emerita Joan Eastlund established this scholarship which is open to students of any program, full- or part-time, with a minimum GPA of 2.0 and demonstrating financial need.

QC John Kidwell IMPACT Scholarship

207371, 207425, 207426, 207503
Created by the IMPACT organization in honor of former college employee John Kidwell. Scholarship is for students in the Sustainable Energy/Engineering Program.

QC John R. Cioe Memorial Scholarship

John R. Cioe was a Chicago police officer and training instructor, a lover of books, and an advocate of life-long learning. It is the intention of his family that the award established in his memory will benefit adult learners enrolled in at least nine credit hours in a wide variety of academic disciplines.

QC John R. Grotzinger Memorial Scholarship

207493, 207498
Established in memory of John Grotzinger, a professor in the Psychology/Sociology Department.  Awarded to a graduating member of Psi Beta, a national honor society for community college students interested in psychology.  Based on academic achievement, leadership and community service. Recipients selected by the academic department.

QC Jules Mueller Westmer Scholarship

207371, 207513, 207517, 207521, 207578, 207599, 207604
Must be a graduate from Mercer County in top half of graduating class. Preference given to a graduate from Westmer High School. Must demonstrate financial need and be a full-time Black Hawk College student.

QC Karla Miley Endowed Scholarship

207371, 207513, 207609, 207610
Established by Karla Miley for students majoring in social work, planning a career in social work, and planning to transfer into a BSW program approved by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Preference is given to those students who have demonstrated academic success (minimum 3.0 GPA) at Black Hawk College and demonstrated financial need.

QC King's Daughters Nursing Scholarship

207371, 207483, 207513, 207608, 207609, 207610
Given in support of Nursing students. Must demonstrate financial need and academic performance.

QC Krystel Leigh Madison Memorial Scholarship

Krystel Madison taught in Black Hawk College's Optional Education program.  This scholarship in her memory is for first-time college students coming out of the Optional Education program with a GED® or diploma.  Recipients selected by the academic department.

QC Lane Evans Memorial Scholarship

207371, 207513, 207601, 207602, 207603, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Awarded to former or active military students with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Preference is given to those students with financial need for tuition, fees, and books.

QC Leaders Under 40 Alumni Scholarship


Created by Leaders Under 40 Alumni. Scholarship awarded to students who demonstrate strong leadership skills.

QC Lowell N. Johnson Charitable Foundation Scholarship

3.0 GPA, Financial need, Rock Island, Henry, Mercer
207371, 207513, 207575, 207578, 207579, 207609, 207610
Awarded to students who have resided in Rock Island, Henry or Mercer counties for a minimum of three years. Student must maintain a 3.0 GPA and show financial need.

QC Lucy Brandicon/Leon Dombrock/Donna Figle O'Meara Memorial Music Scholarship

Established by friends and relatives of these individuals.  Miss Brandicon taught piano at Black Hawk College; Mr. Dombrock was the manager of the Black Hawk College Bookstore; and Ms. O'Meara was an instructor in the Music Department.  The recipients of the combined scholarship are selected by the Music Department.

QC Marian Walters Health Occupations Scholarship

207371, 207391, 207392, 207424, 207439, 207480, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207487, 207489
Established in memory of Marian Walters, this scholarship is available to students enrolled in health related programs.

QC Martin E. Hayes Physics/Engineering Scholarship

Physics, Engineering, Transfer, 3.5 GPA
207371, 207425, 207426, 207486, 207610
Established in memory of Martin E. Hayes, professor of physics and engineering at Black Hawk College. Awarded to students who have completed one year at Black Hawk College and are majoring in physics or engineering with intent to transfer to a four-year institution. Students must maintain a 3.5 GPA.

QC Milan Area Rotary Scholarship

Financial need
207371, 207513, 207606, 207607, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established by the Milan Rotary Club. Students must be residents of one of the following: Blackhawk, Andalusia, Bowling, Edgington, Buffalo Prairie or Drury Townships, or the portion of Rural Township and Mercer County within the Sherrard School District. Student must demonstrate financial need.

QC Natural Science & Engineering Scholarship

207371, 207395, 207513, 207517, 207604, 207609, 207610
Established by faculty of the Black Hawk College Natural Science and Engineering Department. Must be a major in either astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, earth science, earth science geology, physics, pre-chiropractic, pre-dietetics, pre-engineering, pre-medicine, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, or pre-veterinary medicine. Must be full-time and have a maintain a 3.0 GPA.

QC Nursing Faculty Endowed Scholarship

207371, 207483, 207513, 207517
Established by the Black Hawk College nursing faculty.  Students must be registered in the ADN program.  Must have financial need, but not currently receiving other scholarships or grants.

QC Paula Cravero Memorial Scholarship

Accounting, Transfer, Career
207371, 207374, 207375, 207376, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established by family, faculty and friends in memory of Paula Cravero, professor of accounting in the Business Department. Awarded annually to career or transfer students who are majoring in accounting and have a minimum 2.0 GPA.

QC Perlmutter Scholarship

207371, 207395, 207402, 207420, 207437, 207513, 207517
Established by the late Dr. Harold and Evelyn Perlmutter. Awarded to high school seniors enrolling as science majors and who demonstrate financial need.

QC Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

207371, 207514, 207517, 207604, 207610, 207619
Students must be members of the Eta Kappa chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. Must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours at the Quad-Cities Campus at the time of application and be returning the following semester enrolling in 12 credit hours. Must have a 3.75 cumulative GPA.

QC Physical Therapist Assistant Scholarship Fall (2025)

Created for students enrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant program.  Must be a part-time student with financial need.  Awarded for summer, fall, and spring semesters.  A written essay is required.

QC Physical Therapist Assistant Scholarship Spring and Summer (2025)

Created for students enrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant program.  Must be a part-time student with financial need.  Awarded for summer, fall, and spring semesters.  A written essay is required.

QC Prairieland Hospice Foundation of Galesburg Scholarship for EMS Student

Created for students that are Illinois residents of Rock Island County and adjoining counties of Mercer, Henry and Whiteside that are enrolled in the AAS nursing, LPN or EMS program. Student must be in good academic standing. Must show financial need.  

QC Prairieland Hospice Foundation of Galesburg Scholarship for Nursing Students

Created for students that are Illinois residents of Rock Island County and adjoining counties of Mercer, Henry and Whiteside that are enrolled in the AAS nursing, LPN or EMS program. Student must be in good academic standing. Must show financial need.  

QC Puffer/Reid Scholarship

207371, 207610
Established in honor of former college presidents Dr. Richard Puffer and Dr. Alban Reid. Given for academic excellence recognition.

QC Quad Cities Alumni Scholarship

207371, 207513, 207517, 207608, 207609, 207610
Students who have completed at least nine semester hours at Black Hawk College, have a minimum 2.5 GPA, and show financial need.

QC Quad Cities River Bandits Scholarship

207371, 207611, 207612, 207616, 207617
The deserving recipient will not only excel in the classroom, but also be active in extracurricular activities at their school and make a positive impact in their community through their actions and activities.  QC River Bandits Scholars must be enrolled full time and also receive an opportunity to interview for a summer internship with the Quad Cities River Bandits.  

QC Quad City Bank & Trust Scholarship

The Quad City Bank & Trust Scholarship is awarded to a full-time student with a minimum 2.5 GPA.  Preference is given to minority first-generation college students.  This one-of-a-kind scholarship awards full tuition plus expenses for books and other educational fees.  

QC Quad City's Vintage Rods Scholarship

207371, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in 1984 by the Quad City's Vintage Rods Club to support Black Hawk College students. Students must demonstrate academic success.

QC RES Karen Dugan Memorial Scholarship

Karen Dugan was an advisor at Black Hawk College from 2013 to 2020. During her time as an advisor, Karen had a special affinity for ESL students and was the liaison between the Advising Center and the ESL office.

This scholarship will be used specifically to help Academic ESL student pay for their textbooks each semester. 

QC Rob Murphy Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship has been established by Rob Murphy’s family in his memory to support and encourage nontraditional students to continue to work toward their greatest goal, just as he did. Awarded to non-traditional students pursuing a new skill.  Preference given those in the machinist program or to nontraditional students with financial need. Scholarship given for tuition, fees, books or other educational expenses.

QC Robert and Blenda Ontiveros Family Foundation Athletic Scholarship

Established by the late alumni Robert and Blenda Ontiveros for Hispanic student-athletes with emphasis on baseball and soccer.  

QC Robert and Blenda Ontiveros Family Foundation Entering Students Scholarship

Established by the late alumni Robert and Blenda Ontiveros. For entering ethnic minority students maintaining a 3.0 GPA.

QC Robert and Blenda Ontiveros Family Foundation Scholarship

Health, Technology, Sciences, Medical
207371, 207388, 207392, 207395, 207400, 207402, 207406, 207407, 207408, 207410, 207411, 207414, 207415, 207416, 207417, 207418, 207420, 207424, 207425, 207426, 207435, 207437, 207439, 207440, 207444, 207445, 207449, 207451, 207461, 207463, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207470, 207475, 207476, 207477, 207478, 207480, 207482, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207486, 207487, 207488, 207489, 207490, 207491, 207493, 207494, 207503, 207508, 207609, 207610
Established by the late alumni Robert and Blenda Ontiveros. For Hispanic students maintaining a 3.0 GPA with emphasis given to students studying health care, sciences or technology.

QC Robert and Dorothy White Scholarship

207371, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in honor of Dr. Robert and Dorothy White - Bob, a long-time professor and Dorothy, an alumna of Black Hawk College. Given to students with academic promise.

QC Robert C. Bopp Memorial Scholarship

Jackie Bopp, wife of Robert C. Bopp, established this scholarship in memory of her husband. Originally established as an annual scholarship, generous contributions from various BHC employees, family and friends of Bob helped raise the fund principal to endow the scholarship in 2014. BHC students in any program who maintain a 2.5 GPA and demonstrate a strong work ethic are eligible to receive this scholarship.

QC Robert E. Nuquist History Scholarship

207371, 207441, 207513, 207517, 207609, 207610
Given by the late, Dr. Robert E. Nuquist, a long-term professor of history and department chair. This scholarship is to benefit history majors of high academic standing, demonstrating financial need.

QC Roger A. Perley Memorial Scholarship

207371, 207471, 207472, 207473, 207474, 207517, 207604, 207608, 207609, 207610
Established in memory of Roger A. Perley, professor of music at Black Hawk College. Awarded to students who have completed 15 semester hours at Black Hawk College and are majoring in music in a transfer program with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Recipients selected by the academic department.

QC The Erskine Carter Truth in Journalism Scholarship

207371, 207427, 207428, 207452

Byronie A. Carter established The Erskine Carter Truth in Journalism Scholarship in memory of Professor E.R. Erskine Carter, retiree of Black Hawk College and beloved professor of journalism. The Carter sisters allowed that memorials for their father be directed to the scholarship and many colleagues and friends contributed to create this endowment. Scholarships are intended to be awarded to students with a 3.5 GPA or greater majoring in english or journalism and/or students pursuing an associate degree with extensive participation in journalism while on campus (i.e. involved some way in every issue of a certain publication).

QC The Franklin Foundation Scholarship

Nursing, ADN, Financial need
207371, 207392, 207513
Established by Steve and alumna Tammy Franklin after she pursued her nursing degree at Black Hawk College as a nontraditional student.  Scholarships are for students in the Associate Degree Nursing program who demonstrate financial need.

QC The Sedona Group Scholarship

207371, 207517
Awarded to students in transfer/career programs with preference to Computer Science majors. Preference is also given to employees or dependents of employees of The Sedona Group.

QC The Villas at Black Hawk Scholarship

The Villas at Black Hawk Scholarship is available for students residing in The Villas. The scholarship is awarded as a rent concession.

QC The Wray Family Scholarship


The Wray Family Scholarship is open to students enrolled in Career and Technical Education certificate or degree programs who are learning new skills. Preference will be given to a student trying to make a fresh start. Student must demonstrate financial need and have a 2.0 minimum GPA.

QC Thomas Batell English/Philosophy Scholarship

The English/Philosophy Department established the Thomas Batell English/Philosophy Scholarship with contributions from the Department and matched by the Foundation. Scholarship recipients will be full-time students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university and pursue a curriculum with a preference in English or philosophy. Scholarships are awarded to students in their second year at Black Hawk College.

QC Timothy VanHecke Class of 1978

Awarded to students whose course of study is business, business administration or economics.  Students eligible for this scholarship must also be full-time and have a GPA of at least 2.5. 

QC Todd C. Harold Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Law enforcement, Paramedic
207371, 207424, 207453, 207454, 207455
Established by the Johnson family in memory of Todd Johnson, a Black Hawk College graduate and auxiliary police officer who was killed in a training accident.  Two scholarships are awarded each year: one to a law enforcement major and one to a major in the paramedic program.

QC Vickie L. Anderson Memorial Scholarship

207371, 207392, 207513, 207516
Created for female nursing students with financial need.

QC William Butterworth Foundation Scholarship

art, transfer
207389, 207371
The William Butterworth Foundation Scholarship recognizes students pursuing one of the organization's major programming pillars - the arts. The scholarship will be open to full-time art students pursuing an associate degree, transfer degree or certificate. Recipient must have a GPA of at least 2.5 and reside in Rock Island County, Illinois, or Scott County, Iowa. Preference will be given to a non-traditional student intending to stay in the Quad-Cities community.

QC Woman's Club of East Moline Scholarship

207371, 207391, 207392, 207439, 207440, 207465, 207466, 207467, 207468, 207469, 207483, 207484, 207485, 207487, 207488, 207489
Created by the Woman’s Club to support students enrolled in health-related programs.